
        FY 2024 - 2028 Adopted TIP (with Amendment #1)

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #2 - 4 

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendment #5

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendment #6

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #7 - 8

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #9 - 15

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #16 - 20

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #21 - 30

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #31 - 32

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendment #33

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendment #34

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendments #35 - 39

        FY 2024 - 2028 Amendment #40

        FY 2024 - 2028 DRAFT TIP

        FY 2024 - 2028 Resolution 1/26/24


Upcoming 2025 - 2029 TIP Information: 

        FY 2025 - 2029 - DRAFT TIP

        FY 2025 - 2029 - Public Notice


The Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) is a multi-year summary for urban area road improvement projects and public transit activities for the Bloomington-Normal urbanized area.  The program also includes transportation projects for pedestrians and bicycle users which, with a few exceptions, rely mostly on local funding.

Each year the TIP development process begins in early spring, as the local governments begin their budget process for the new fiscal year.  Each participating government or agency prepares a list of projects they intend to pursue over the next five years, and for which funding has been confirmed with the funding source.  This means that the TIP is “fiscally constrained,” meaning that every project can be completed within the identified and committed funds.

The TIP includes an inventory of projects by year, maps of projects in each year, a breakdown of funding sources and anticipated expenditures for all listed projects, the process for establishing priorities for project implementation, a section focused on funding for transit providers and appendices providing technical information and documentation of public engagement in the development of the TIP.

MCRPC is responsible for the development of the annual Transportation Improvement Program, working in partnership with local governments, agencies and other interested parties.  MCRPC relies on the staff in each jurisdiction to review their project submissions with their budget process and adopted capital improvement plan, if any, to ensure consistency between these documents.

The MCRPC Transportation Technical Committee provides information for inclusion in the annual TIP update, and reviews the draft document for publication to provide an opportunity for public comment.  The public review period lasts 30 days.  Once public review is concluded, the Technical Committee conducts a public hearing for final comments.  If the Technical Committee approves the document, it is referred to the Transportation Policy Committee for final action.  Each TIP update is valid for two fiscal years, although it remains MCRPC policy that the TIP will be updated annually.

Changes to the TIP while it is active can be made by amendment or administrative modification.  Any participating entity may proposed amendments to reflect significant changes in their projects, included budget revisions or changes in the scope and location of the project.  Small revisions to TIP projects may be carried out by administrative modification, in which MCRPC staff post an update to the TIP reflecting the change.  This process is only available for minimal changes; a full description of the process and criteria may be found in the introductory section of the current Transportation Improvement Program.



**Previous TIPs, Administrative Modifications, and Amendments can be found in the Document Center