Neighborhoods are the fundamental social units of a community. They are more than a simple collection of homes. A neighborhood’s physical characteristics, aesthetics, level of security and sense of community all have a major influence on its residents’ quality of life.
Neighborhoods cannot be addressed without housing and vice-versa. A diversity of housing types that are affordable, accessible and safe are key to meeting the needs of all current and future residents of McLean County. Preservation of historic neighborhoods often goes hand in hand with preservation of affordable housing, and is also important to the preservation of our community’s history.
The McLean County Regional Planning Commission is facilitating a Regional Housing Advisory Committee, a first of its kind effort to address housing issues regionally and comprehensively for people of all ages, incomes, and abilities.
Key Planning Factors
- Neighborhood design
- Affordable Housing
- Livability
- Infrastructure costs
- Transit and Mobility
- Supportive services (age in place, independent living)
Key Housing & Neighborhood Documents
Town of Normal Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
The intent of this analysis is to provide a thorough and objective review of the current housing
market in the community, identify any barriers which prevent or hinder a fair housing market and identify steps the Town of Normal is currently taking to eliminate, reduce and prevent such impediments.
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City of Bloomington Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
The intent of this analysis is to provide a thorough and objective review of the current housing
market in the community, identify any barriers which prevent or hinder a fair housing market and identify steps the City of Bloomington is currently taking to eliminate, reduce and prevent such impediments.
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BN Home - Regional Housing Study
October 2017
The Bloomington Normal Regional Housing Study provides guidance on housing policy to municipal officials, social service providers, housing authorities, home owners, realtors, developers, management companies, and other stakeholders.
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Housing Chapter from Town of Normal Comprehensive Plan
November 2017
In recent years, the Town of Normal has made a pronounced shift toward new land use philosophies and the incorporation of smart growth principles. To build on this progress and provide adequate housing options to all current and future residents, the Town will need to better align its housing policies with those principles and continuously adapt to demographic and market changes.
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Neighborhoods Chapter from Town of Normal Comprehensive Plan
November 2017
Neighborhoods are the fundamental social units of a community. They are more than simple collections of homes. They are where people live, raise their families, and spend most of their free time. A neighborhood’s physical characteristics, aesthetics, level of security, and sense of community all have a major influence on its residents’ quality of life.
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Dimmitt's Grove Neighborhood Plan
Neighborhoods are the basic geographic units of a community. Neighborhoods are where people live, raise their families, and spend most of their free time. A neighborhood’s physical characteristics, aesthetics, level of security, and sense of community all have a major inϐluence on its residents’ quality of life.
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