McLean County Regional Planning Commission

  1. A public comment period not exceed fifteen (15) minutes will be held at the beginning of each regularly-scheduled meeting of the McLean County Regional Planning Commission and the individual committees of the Commission.
  2. Anyone desiring to address the Commission or committee must complete and submit a public comment card available on the Commission's website at or at the offices of the Commission located at 115 E. Washington Street, Suite M103, Bloomington up to fifteeen (15) minutes prior to the start of the meeting.  The person must include his or her name, contact information and comment subject matter.
  3. There shall be a maximum of five (5) speakers in any public comment period.  In the event more than five (5) public comment cards are submitted, the Chairman of the Commission or committee shall randomly select the five (5) speakers.  Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.  A speaker cannot give his or her allotted minutes to another speaker to increase that person's allotted time.
  4. Speakers will be acknowledged by the Chairman and shall address the Commission or committee members.  Speakers will begin their statement by first stating their name and address for the record.
  5. Statements must be related to Commission business or that of the individual committees being addressed.
  6. Statements are to be directed to the Commission or committee as a whole and not indvidual members.  Public comment is not intended to require Commission or committee members or staff to provide any response to the speaker.  Discussion between speakers and members of the audience will not be allowed.
  7. All speakers are required to speak in a civil tone and refrain from using vulgar, abusive or otherwise inappropriate language when addressing the Commission or committee.  Failure to do so may result in disqualification from addressing the Commission or committee and expulsion of the speaker from the meeting.
  8. After the speak has made his or her statement, he or shall be seated with no further debate, dialogue or comment.


 Download Commission Comment Card