Drafted by Bloomington-Normal transportation system users, experts, and designers who volunteered their time, attention, and experience to envision the safe transportation system our community deserves, this is the Go:Safe Action Plan.
MCRPC considered and unanimously adopted the Action Plan at their April 7, 2021commission meeting. The Adopted Plan with Appendixes A & B are availiable below.
The Go:Safe Action Plan intends to:
Unite leaders across the McLean County transportation system with a shared framework and language for prioritizing safety.
Empower citizens of the Bloomington-Normal urbanized area to participate in the transportation system as user-owners.
Bolster competitive applications for public funding opportunities.
Eliminate fatalities and life-changing injuries from our transportation system by 2030
Download the Adopted Go:Safe Action Plan [9MB]
Appendix A - Planning Process Documentation [5MB]
Appendix B - Public Engagement Documentation [16MB ]
Go:Safe Community Conversations
Three virtual Go:Safe Community Conversations were held for a first look at the initial Draft Action Plan and conversations about how community members can best bring the Plan to life! Public feedback and input were solicited.
Download the initial DRAFT Go:Safe Action Plan [4MB]
Three Community Conversations were held remotely on Zoom on:
Each of the public meetings included the gathering of transportation safety stories, an overview of the Draft Plan, and open discussion of best strategies for getting our families, friends, neighbors, and colleagues involved. For those who have follow-up questions or comments, or were unable to attend any of the three meetings, they were advised to contact Jonathan Seiden at (309) 888-4453 or seiden@hilegroup.com by 4:00pm on Friday, March 26th. To help spreading the word about these public meetings with family, friends, and those interested, a flyer was provided below for use. Download Event Fly e r |