April 17, 2019 @ 9:10 am
Keywords : Good to Go, Transportation, Sustainable

Driving our cars wherever we go is second nature. But all those miles are detrimental to our environment. With a little planning and creativity, we can disrupt this pattern and do some good to our world’s health.

That’s why we sponsor the Good to Go Commuter Challenge each spring! You can do more good for our world by leaving your car at home and choosing to walk, bike, ride the bus, carpool, or telecommute. Track these sustainable miles for the week and see how much good you can do!

This May, join your friends and colleagues in a competition to log the most sustainable trips in a one-week period. Walking, biking, riding the bus, carpooling, and telecommuting are all eligible.

Prizes include:
  • One $200 Visa gift card, winner selected randomly at the end.
  • Daily $25 Visa gift cards, winners selected randomly at the end of each day.
  • Daily $25 Visa gift cards, winners selected randomly from Mode of the Day participants.
  • Three $50 Visa gift cards to the most trips logged in walking, biking, and transit

You just need to log one trip to be eligible to win the $200 prize!


For more information, click HERE.

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