In 2014, changes to the Region 6 Bylaws reorganized the structure of the Policy and Technical Committee into a single entity. The Region 6 Policy and Technical Committee includes representatives of the respective county boards within the region or county employees assigned by the respective county board to serve on the said committee. Members to the Committee are appointed pursuant to the procedures and practices of each county within Region 6. Each county representative has one vote on the Committee. The Regional Policy and Technical Committee is comprised of ten members who are selected by the county transportation organizations or committees of constituent counties within the Region. Members of the Policy and Technical Committee serving as members on the technical side are generally comprised of transit service providers, social service agencies and other entities interested or involved in rural transportation. Those selected on the policy side are generally county board members or county engineers.




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Article 1


The McLean County Regional Planning Commission (MCRPC) shall perform and carry out a cooperative, comprehensive and continuing transit planning and programming process for HSTP Region 6 in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, policies and procedures with the assistance of IDOT. MCRPC shall support and manage the Regional Policy and Technical Committee to oversee and coordinate the process in a manner that will ensure that transportation planning and programming decisions are reflective of the needs of local and state governments and transit operations. MCRPC shall direct and oversee the planning process to ensure accordance with state and federal laws concerning the involvement of appropriate public and private agencies and the general public. MCRPC shall designate a member or member(s) of its staff to serve as Regional Coordinator(s) for the Regional Policy and Technical Committee. The Regional Coordinator(s) shall carry out such tasks as are required to support the activities of the Regional Policy and Technical Committee and support the Region 6 planning process. The coordination activities conducted by MCRPC shall be defined by the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement for Public Transportation Need Determination and Project Prioritization between the McLean County Regional Planning Commission and Illinois Department of Transportation for the term of service designated. Successive terms as shall be agreed upon between IDOT and MCRPC.

Article 2

Planning Activities and Responsibilities

The Regional Policy and Technical Committee shall develop a Regional Program of Projects (RPOP) to prioritize Section 5310 projects for HSTP Region 6 and recommend those projects to IDOT-DPIT for funding consideration. The RPTC shall also incorporate Section 5311 projects in the RPOP. A Human Services Transportation Plan shall be prepared and maintained by the Regional Coordinator(s) located at MCRPC. The HSTP shall include all elements required by state and federal transportation authorities in addition to elements requested by local government representatives. The Regional Policy and Technical Committee will review and approve the HSTP and any subsequent revisions and updates of the plan on behalf of the constituent counties of Region 6. Additional coordination may be carried out by the MCRPC pursuant to the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement for Public Transportation Need Determination and Project Prioritization between the McLean County Regional Planning Commission and the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Article 3

Regional Policy and Technical Committee Membership, Voting, Prozies and Quorum

The Regional Policy and Technical Committee shall include representatives of the county boards and constituent counties appointed pursuant to the procedures and practices of each county. Each representative will have one vote for each member county. The Regional Policy and Technical Committee shall also include 10 members to be selected by the County Transportation Organizations of the constituent counties of Region 6 with each representative having one vote. Each participating county may authorize a County Transportation Organization to conduct activities relating to the HSTP process. County Transportation Organizations include but are not limited to: committees created by county board action to address transportation issues and concerns, transportation committees or working groups instituted by county or regional planning departments or commissions and community transportation committees or organizations authorized by the county to provide representation to the Region 6 Technical Committee. Each County Transportation Organization will designate two representatives to the Regional Policy and Technical Committee. The total membership of the Regional Policy and Technical Committee for each participating county shall consist of one member appointed by the respective County Board as its representative. Two members shall be appointed through the County Transportation Organization as defined in these bylaws. A quorum of the Committee shall consist of a simple majority. The Committee shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary from its membership. The said election shall occur every other year in June or when a vacancy occurs in any of the defined offices. Any member of the Committee may select a designated voting representative to take their place in case of absence. The RPTC may institute procedures for advising the Committee and Regional Coordinator(s) regarding appointment of a permanent or temporary proxy representative.

Article 4

Vacancies and Resignations

Any resignation by a member of the Regional Policy and Technical Committee appointed by a county board shall be made in writing to the Chair of the RPTC and to the Regional Coordinator(s). In the event of a vacancy or resignation by a member of the Regional Policy and Technical Committee the county represented by that member shall appoint a new member to complete the term of the vacant position. Such appointments to the Regional Policy and Technical Committee are made at the discretion of and pursuant to the procedures of the county represented. Notification of resignation by a member of the Committee appointed by a County Transportation Organization shall be made by the Chair of the County Transportation Organization represented by that member. Any such vacancy or resignation shall be filled through appointment by the relevant County Transportation Organization.

Article 5

Regional Policy & Technical Committee Advisors

The Kankakee County Transportation Study and the McLean County Regional Planning Commission, the metropolitan planning organizations within Region 6, shall each designate a transportation planner to serve as permanent technical advisors to the Regional Policy and Technical Committee. Regional coordinators may also serve as technical advisors. The technical advisors will be non-voting members. Any metropolitan planning organization contained within a county added to Region 6 by action of the Illinois Department of Transportation shall designate a staff transportation planner to serve as a permanent technical advisor to the Regional Policy and Technical Committee. The permanent technical advisors may be called upon to attend Regional Policy and Technical Committee meetings. Technical advisors are to be non-voting members.

Article 6

Regional Policy and Technical Committee Responsibilities

The Regional Policy and Technical Committee and the MCRPC shall jointly share the responsibility for developing and maintaining the transportation plans and programs as required by state and federal law. The Committee shall have the authority to enact operating procedures directing the activities and procedures of HSTP Region 6 and expanding the terms of these Bylaws, provided such operating procedures do not conflict with the terms of these Bylaws, or with the Intergovernmental Agreement between MCRPC and the Illinois Department of Transportation providing for regional coordination for Region 6. Committee members appointed by County Transportation Organizations shall constitute a Technical Subcommittee of the RPTC. The Technical Subcommittee shall develop a Regional Program of Projects (RPOP) to be reviewed by the entire Regional Policy and Technical Committee for endorsement to IDOT. The Technical Subcommittee shall also perform other duties as assigned.

Article 7

Equal Opportunity Assurance

The intent of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (42 USC2000d-1) which states “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance” is met. The MCRPC will make it known to the public that the person or person(s) alleging discrimination on the basis of age, race, color or national origin, as it relates to the provision of transportation services and transit-related benefits, may file a complaint with the Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) and/or the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). All meetings shall be open to the public and conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Article 8

Ammendments and Severability

If any one or more of the provisions of these Bylaws is declared unconstitutional or contrary to law, the validity of the remainder of the Bylaws shall not be affected thereby. These Bylaws are subject to amendment when a majority of all representatives of the Regional Policy and Technical Committee adopt the amendment.

Article 9

Ratification and Termination

These Bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the Region 6 Policy and Technical Committee and constituted under the prior Bylaws. These Bylaws shall remain in force continuously and shall be automatically renewed on each June 30th following initial adoption. These Bylaws were adopted by the Regional Policy and Technical Committee on October 20, 2014.